The best Side of the 10x rule

Michael Jackson has a lot more to teach the world than how to moon-walk and I found out a good deal from watching this person develop his career over my life time. His commitment to achievement at his trade, his willingness to continue regardless of hardship and the genius level at which he performed are things that would benefit all of us. Consider that simply among his CD's, "Thriller," sold 60,000,000 pieces! That is an unprecedented number, never before accomplished and astounding when you compare it to other artists. By comparison, all of Lionel Ritchie's CD's is Grant Cardone combined offered 100 million. Michael Jackson was not just an amazing entertainer however a Super Salesperson and marketing genius. He was constantly getting outside the box, desire to do what others would refrain from doing then he would go all the way.

Say what you will about this man, mock him for his eccentricities, judge him for the zoo at Neverland and follow suit of all the media attacks if you wish to, however you got ta' appreciate him for his dedication, persistence and desire to put himself "escape there." Any of us that would attempt to run at those very same levels would achieve extraordinary results in our own lives. It is that level of dedication and devotion to your profession and your dreams that is required to develop your own personal greatness!

Focus and Commit completely with all your ideas, actions and activities on what it is you are doing today! Dedication requires not talk but a day-to-day commitment to exactly what you do and becoming excellent at it in spite of difficulty, in spite of challenges and regardless of what others think about possible. To stay way above the "fray" and the "sound" and commit to obtaining higher outcomes than the rest of the world thinks possible even when things are tough. Hopefully you and I will never ever be challenged with some of the problems that Michael Jackson was presented with in his life but you will be faced with obstacles. And when you are going through your own obstacles you will allow them to either consume you or use them to make you more powerful, much better, faster and greater.

For many of the world this existing economic environment is a terrific challenge for us. Your livelihood and monetary security is at danger and your company needs a complete brand-new level of energy and effort. Bad news is all over, negativity is the norm, banks are supporting and consumers for your product or services are more selective and lack self-confidence in making choices.

While this time period is challenging it is also provides an even greater opportunity for those that apply the ideal actions! Now is the time to choose success and not be complacent. Now is the time for more action in the face of less activity. Now is the time to invest more money and time in developing your ability while the remainder of the world discovers somebody else to blame. Now is the time to fix problems for yourself rather than await someone to resolve your issues. Now is the time to expend energy, effort and resources while others withdraw and end up being apathetic.

I do not know exactly what holds true and what is not concerning all the negative stories on Mr. Jackson nor do I offer any of it much attention. What you can not deny is this is a male that originated from absolutely nothing and ended up being understood to the entire world. His dedication to his dreams, the pursuit at becoming terrific at his trade and his willingness to go all the way must both be admired and modeled by anyone that wants to make their dreams come to life. Get anywhere near that sort of dedication that Michael Jackson made, pursue every day at ending up being much better at your trade, go all grant cardone closers survival guide the way and act outside the standard and you will produce greatness in your own career despite the challenges you face in the current environment. I dare you to match this King of Pop's dedication level but please, keep your 'moonwalk' and your version of 'Billie Jean' to yourself.

Grant Cardone, author of Offer To Survive, is being called The Entrepreneur for the 21st Century. Starting from modest beginnings, he is now the founder and owner of three multi-million dollar companies: an effective software company, a sales training and consulting business, and a realty company with a portfolio valued at over 100 million dollars. Cardone also speaks internationally to industry leaders, supervisors, CEOs and business owners on sales, money, financing, company methods and service expansion. visit
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